Monday, September 14, 2009

HW1: Geometric Painting with Processing

1st: Original File

2nd: Simulation File with Photoshop

3rd: Processing File

size(400, 400);background(255);
fill(204);rect(0, 0, 40, 60);fill(255, 0, 0);rect(0, 60, 40, 260);fill(240);rect(0, 320, 40, 400);fill(240);rect(40, 0, 60, 60);fill(35, 30, 59);rect(40, 60, 60, 180);fill(204);rect(40, 240, 60, 400);fill(238, 203, 66);rect(100, 0, 160, 60);fill(68, 92, 174);rect(100, 240, 160, 80);fill(240);rect(100, 320, 400, 80);fill(240);rect(260, 0, 400, 20);fill(54);rect(260, 20, 80, 110);fill(238, 203, 66);rect(260, 130, 80, 110);fill(204);rect(260, 240, 80, 80);fill(204);rect(340, 20, 320, 300);
strokeWeight(8);line(40, 0, 40, 400);line(100, 0, 100, 400);line(0, 320, 400, 320);line(0, 60, 260, 60);line(260, 0, 260, 320);line(40, 240, 400, 240);line(260, 20, 400,20);line(340, 20, 340, 320);line(260, 280, 340, 280);line(260, 132, 340, 132);smooth();

What I've Learned: In this practice I have learned the basics of using the processing program. By grabbing an image online using the keywords "geometric painting," I was able to simulate the same image using a processing code. Using simple commands such as rect(); fill(); background(); etc, I was able to create the simple geometric image, which consists of thick lines, and colored rectangles. I have faced a number of challenges during this process of coding. For example, after I already created all the lines and parameters, I realized my image was too small, so I had to increase the size of the image, and recalculate all the dimensions of my lines. It was also a challenge to create the exact size for each and every rectangle apparent in my image file. The code above shows the process I used to create the above image.

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