Monday, January 4, 2010

Course Review

I have heard about Interactive Media but before taking this course I did not know what exactly it was all about. After attending some classes and reading some resource provided by the teacher and also in the Internet I became clear about the goals of Interactive Media course.
I have learned how to use two interesting technologies that I did not know before. These two amazing technologies are Processing and Arduino. Firstly, I learned them independently and later I learned how to combine them together.
By learning Processing and Arduino I have improved my programming skills and also improved my concept about building computer games. In the Processing I learned how to manipulate pictures, simulate actions and behave of a particular object, and other many cool staffs.
I have learned a lot in this course through the homework and also through the practice that the teacher has taught in the class. It is hard for me to say which homework I liked most. To be frankly, I liked all the homework. The reason that I say so is because I believe that I have learned from each of the homework. Each of the homework had its own goal and objective. I think all the homework’s are related. The previous homework can help you to accomplish the goals of the future homework, and all together help you to accomplish the goal of Processing and Arduino program.
To conclude I can say that I satisfied with what have learned through this course and I hope to learn more and improve my skills using Processing and Arduino. In addition, I think that the teacher has done a great job. He taught and helped me a lot during the classes.

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