Friday, January 8, 2010

Final Project

by Henry and Edward.
people told us still can't see our video, so i re-upload again to youtube, here is new link

Monday, January 4, 2010

HW12--96130040--Vivian (piano)


In this class i've learned to
Translate (move the center)and Rotate(switch angle)
I understand to make some motions using "FrameRate".



In this class i've learned to let image
Fade in, Fade out, Horizontal, and Vertical, Special.

if(mode ==0 && 150+i<550) i="i+20;" mode="1;" mode ="=">0)


It is difficult to create
and make more time to changethe code and let it run.





In this class i've learned to brows images
front for brows left
back for brows right

front = front+1;
back = back+1;

imgFront = loadImage(front+"f.jpg");
imgBack = loadImage(back+"b.jpg");


In this class i've learned
to insert words or font is to declare
font = loadFont("TheSans-Plain-12.vlw");
fill(0);text("size 5",310,25);

and the function to save

Course review

In the Interactive Media’s class, first of all, I learn about simple function of setup(), draw(), loop() and random(). It’s like JAVA class, but it can use the programming to draw the picture. We were assigned a simple task in the first week. We only use processing software, and we make the pupils of the eye move along with the mouse, then we defined of the location.
When we progressed this semester, we have many interactive programs with processing, for example, drawing and paint application let the program to animate any pictures.
Besides, we have a quiz and must to create a fan, we learned the rotating function and how it applies of the objects that we draw. In the beginning, we created lines to draw a square. Before the quiz, teacher let we practice to design three squares with colors in the frame. During the quiz I face the problem that an animation to simulate a fan motion. So I lose the key point then it cannot run.
For our project, Vivian taught me a lot that I thought was difficult to do in the program. Than we decide to create a game like the Dance Dance Revolution (DDR). We create 26 letters than use the button to click the letter. After processing, we combine the Arduino and Processing. Later we decrease the button to four, including red, green, blue and yellow button. Finally, Vivian thought the program can use array function to control every square and finish the project. The Interactive Media Design course is a new challenge for me. However, I will learn about more interactive media in the future.

Final Project

Piano Show

Led Show

Course review

From this course, we learn using “processing”&“arduino” to create our program, I think write a processing program just like write a java program. Use code to ask the processing to do the subject. At the begin of the course, we create a painter program. It is a simple one; we can choose the color and the size of the painting brush. It’s interesting that using the program we make to make anther program. At the second program, we combine two painter, and set 4 button, setting the mouse right click left click to control front or next.
At the midterm exam, I thought that I can’t do the question, by using what we learn, step by step, is not so hard. I’m proud that I do it, because is a exam not a team work, you can’t ask help from your team mate.
The more interesting one is the LED show, writing a program let the LED move like the Christmas light. At this subject we can control the light speed, and the light wave. We doesn’t have the special light ,so we can change the color of the light.This course is the most interesting class at this semester.

Course review

This is interesting course that I enjoy it really much. We learn processing and arduino in this course. We have done the drawing board that is similar to the Microsoft painter. I did not know that processing can do this. Also, another amazing thing is that processing can interact with mouse. So we have simulated the Happy Farm which is also my favorite homework. The interesting thing in this homework is that we did not know that we can use java programming syntax to write program in processing. We just tried it and found out that it is feasible to use java syntax.

After midterm, we use arduino to make LED lighted. Also, arduino can become a simple piano. We learn to use arduino to send message to processing so arduino can interact with processing. Finally, we make buttons to interact with my favorite Happy Farm. I think that because the time issue, we cannot learn much on arduino and processing. It is just like a basic understanding toward this two subjects. But I still enjoy this course, and I suppose arduino can do another thing that we never think about it. So thank you very much for teacher to offer this interesting material for us.

Final project

For unknown reason, the video i uploaded still not showed on youtube.
This is the link to my channel :
It should apper in my chnnel.
Also, asap i got the link for video i will update to here.

Course review 95130253

In this course, I learned a lot of things. In processing, we know how to create a line, a circle, a variation with codes; it will be what we want by typing the codes and functions. We can read the handbook to learn more by ourselves. We can fill in and fade out color, use keyboard and mouse to control, just need to write some function codes. And I think the project show is really exciting our creative. We can see many different ideas and learn with our classmates. Another is the arduino, we can make a new thing with it. We use the bread board and programming of arduino. We use a LED to check; a speaker, some resistances, many wires and buttons to work on. The arduino project is to make a piano and LED show. Making a piano is the one which attract me in the first class; I want to make a piano by myself. And that is really good to combine arduino and processing, we can control our processing project with buttons of arduino. But it needs too many buttons to work on that is the disadvantage of it. And I have a good time in this course.


In this course is learned about the processing and the ardiuno, these two programming things let me know that the program is not so boring like before, like just show some text on the screen and need to keep type lots of codes in the program, but in this course it’s not just like that, it’s can use your programming language for make your own games or like a video, cause it’s more lively than the normal C or C++ language, so it’s make our image about the programming changed.

And about my team in this course actually there are lots of ideas come from my partner Henry, like the games and the pianos, cause he is more focus on the programming things and I am really thanks that I have a good partner in my team this semester, when we do the first project we even deal that until 4 a.m. and that is a special experience in that time, because I have been a long time not so late to sleep for the homework expect the final and midterm.

So I think this course are more lively that others course I took in my university life, it’s can let us learned how to do the project with your partner even he is not living in Taoyuan and you can know that the programming not only typing the code in screen and also you can play it!

Course Review

I have heard about Interactive Media but before taking this course I did not know what exactly it was all about. After attending some classes and reading some resource provided by the teacher and also in the Internet I became clear about the goals of Interactive Media course.
I have learned how to use two interesting technologies that I did not know before. These two amazing technologies are Processing and Arduino. Firstly, I learned them independently and later I learned how to combine them together.
By learning Processing and Arduino I have improved my programming skills and also improved my concept about building computer games. In the Processing I learned how to manipulate pictures, simulate actions and behave of a particular object, and other many cool staffs.
I have learned a lot in this course through the homework and also through the practice that the teacher has taught in the class. It is hard for me to say which homework I liked most. To be frankly, I liked all the homework. The reason that I say so is because I believe that I have learned from each of the homework. Each of the homework had its own goal and objective. I think all the homework’s are related. The previous homework can help you to accomplish the goals of the future homework, and all together help you to accomplish the goal of Processing and Arduino program.
To conclude I can say that I satisfied with what have learned through this course and I hope to learn more and improve my skills using Processing and Arduino. In addition, I think that the teacher has done a great job. He taught and helped me a lot during the classes.

Essay 200 words

During this semester, I’ve learned a lot about processing and arduino. In processing, I’ve learned how to create a simple paint tool, amazing unexpected pictures and so many other things. I just realized that by learning processing, it enables us to create a simple java games, java unique software and any other cool stuffs. I made one java game for my midterm project presentation during this course. The game is about puzzle game. It might look simple until you really do it by yourself. It’s not that easy! Even though it’s failed, but I felt happy because at least I knew how that game’s work and how most people did that game. And about arduino, it’s a really cool stuff. It’s a combination between software and hardware. By learning arduino, it gave me some idea on how traffic light works under software controlled, how LEDs work under button controlled and so on. My favorite homework during this course is actually our final project. I choose final project as my favorite homework because teacher gave us freewill to choose what program we want to do. At first, we were confuses what project we should do. And then we decided to choose arduino dice to be our project. Well, it worked smoothly and surprisingly teacher gave my group B grade for our effort. I was kind of surprise because I think what we did was not as good as other group did.
My comment for this course is I think this course is really benefit course because it gives us all the idea on how we deal with software and hardware at the same time. I think the professor that teaches us is really patient and really nice. Keep on nice work, teacher!

Course Review

Brian kansichi: 96470106

This course has been one of my favorite courses this semester. I got to understand more about gaming and how some other application that I never understood about before work. At first it was kind of hard because I am not very good at programming and I thought that processing and arduino would be just about programming. After a few weeks of classes, I started to look at things differently because instead of thinking about programming, I started looking forward to the things that we would create and this made me forget about the programming part and instead focus on the creative part of the course. I can’t say that there was one particular thing that I enjoyed doing more than the other because each and everything we did was challenging in its own way and had a new thing to learn from it. I will never forget the first lesson we had though, because I never knew that one could draw by assigning values in a program and in the end getting an outcome that could be achieved by using a pencil and paper. This course has been very helpful as it has given me more understanding about things. Now when I see a light flashing I can’t help it but wonder if there is an arduino board somewhere close to it.

Course Review

Interactive media is one of the courses that I took this semester which I really enjoyed and I also learned a lot from it. It is an easy learning course and also fun as I get to play around with images and also sounds using processing. As the course also needs programming knowledge I also get to practiced some of my programming skills.

Ø I have learned to put pictures together and make a certain program that will show all of the images randomly.
Ø I also learned how to put music and played some songs through processing
Ø I learned how to play around with LED lights using arduino
Ø I learned how to put together and arduino piano
Ø Putting both the arduino and processing to work is one of the challenging part of this course but at the same time it is fun and interesting

My favorite homework out of all the works we did is homework 12 where we have to build an arduino piano. What I found interesting about this homework is that how we have to put in all those buttons and assign them with different notes.

course review

In the interactive media’s class, I learned many things I never use before; using processing can easy to write simple program (compare with java and C language) and how to connect program with hardware which is really new for me. Arduino is also newfangled for me. Before this course, we just learned how to use IC-chip with bread board, never combine software and hardware.

I think my favorite homework is our final project, even though that is really ‘troublesome’ for me. Our project name is paper scissors stone Pro. Most difficult thing in this project is I need consider every result when I design it. But compare with Java, it is simple than it. And then, we design the buttons with arduino board, which is very interesting, even though sometimes the arduino were under control.

I hope we should have more time on this course, because learning processing and arduino in one semester is too compact, so that many things we are not learn very clearly. Maybe I can buy one arduino board in future that I can design the new program when we have idea. Arduino is really useful for us. Thanks teacher for this semester’s teaching and you always kind when we are asking boring question!

Davin: Course Review

The first time I enter this class, I didn’t have even the slightest idea about what this class could possibly teach me. When I knew that I was going to learn a new programming language; called Processing; in this class, I was a little disappointed. “Oh god, another coding, no!”, I said to myself.
Later on, everything turned out differently, beautifully. Unlike any other languages, Processing; instead of letting me output computations; let me make graphic designs by writing the right combination of syntaxes. I was pretty excited at this time. I loved graphic design so much and then I knew that programming also able to make design. Here, I learn that I have to be open to all possibilities and don’t underestimate something you think you won’t like.
My favorite homework would be the final project where I had to integrate Processing and Arduino together. I made music visualization with LED that could work with either the integrated microphone or the mp3 player. I made myself learn about a new Processing library that had never been taught in class, called Minim. How this thing work is Minim detect the music beat then translate it into number that could be read by Arduino, that number would decide which LED out of 8 lighted up. I spent my whole weekend with this project, from reading books to designing the UI.
All I can say that this course made my whole semester! I like Interactive Media, no, I love it!

Course Review

Konrad Ika Tuesday 5/1/10
Std no# 96470185

A short paper at least 200 words is required for your review. You can write anything including what you learned in this course, your favorite homework, and your comments of this course.


What I have learnt from this course is this use on processing and arduino software and hardware both coding and practical. Our first assignment was to be familiar with the codes and their use and capabilities. And the next assignment was the understanding of the usage of the bread board. And finally the arduino board, with this three we can create interesting and fun things.
In our first project was the learning of how we can combine codes with images and design a code which can control any images or animations. Other interesting assignments are the modification of font and all other aspect of a page. Secondly was the learning of codes controlling LED or and component on a arduino board. Some components include resistors, speakers, switches, variable resistor and the small 5V motor. With this assignments I find it most entertaining and fun as the output not just show on the screen but on the electronic board as well. My favourite project was the design and creation of a small piano. This plus other assignments gives me a better understanding on how electronics today are merging with computer programming. For recent years I didn’t understand this application and principle of electronics and programming, and so I am glad to be taking this course and hope I can learn more about the two softwares.

Thank you again and Happy New Year.

Course Review

I been searching online for idea on internet, and i found a video that use Arduino and Processing to make a tank, and control via wifi and iPhone.

I always think that this course teach us very basic things, but after i saw that video i realize that all we need is the basic, we only need to know how hardware and software work together, and the rest coding part, just call the library.

I also found a guy use Arduino made a homemade Gameboy.
I might go buy a arduino by mysekf and really try to do a game out of my own.

As for the course, I believe we could have spend more time in arduino, because processing is kind of close to what we been learn before like C language, so we are familiar with that.

And the only thing i don't like about this class is that it start at 9 a.m., which is a bit early, the rest is really fun.

Course review

I think this course is very special to me. Because it is fun and let me learned the new skill. I think Processing and Arduino is amazing and I never seen it before. I do not know the program can draw a picture so accurate. I do not know we can use the program to make so special and beautiful picture either. We spent more time on the Processing then Arduino. And I think their combine we do is more difficult. Arduino remind me a course- Computer and Architecture, we need to do the breadboard also. I think it is difficult to me before. But I think I do it better now. Because I do the Arduino with my partner. I love teamwork then one person work. Because in a group we can discuss and we can learn the things from each we do not understand. I think I love the midterm and final project in our homework. Sometimes I just do the homework myself but sometimes I can’t figure out my error. So I really love do the homework with my partner. About to our project, I think the more difficult part is how to start it. We can’t decide the way what we want do. And finally we decide the way but we discover the difficult. In our final project, we want add more idea but we need more time. So I think if we want do a program or design a game we need to think about it early. And finally I want to say this course is great.

Course Review

When I choose this course, I have no idea what I learn and which program language we use so I was little bit nervous to get good grade. During I was taking this course, I have realized I am wrong. This course is really fun and exciting. Of course some homework is difficult and confusing but almost homework is easy. A lot of codes are almost same I have learned before such as C++ and JAVA. However I have learned some special things that are mouse click right and left and then control processing program through this course. Especially, arduino part makes me very exciting. We design program and build circuit on bred board and then we control program which I design through on bred board. It combines hardware and software. Before I just learned programming and computer architecture separately but in this course we use together. That is why I was very interesting and this course is much exciting than other course. In addition, the piano program is the one of the best homework in this course. It is easy and fun. I can play the song for using my program. On the other hand, final project is the most difficult because I was alone and I had some idea but I could not organized mind. Anyway I am happy to know about processing.

Course Review

Course Review
Interactive media is very interesting course. Tell the truth, I didn’t learn JAVA program before. On the other hand, I also don’t like writing program. So it is true that this trouble is confused for me. But I think I can learn this class well because of the procedure of teaching. The teach teaches every step and practice again after the class every week. I use these structure and way again and again to practice my assignment, I Know how to use processing and arduino naturally.
I am so glad that I learn nice software this semester. I like every assignment using processing all assignment, for example, make a fan or circle and so on. Because I feel the result can display in front of me if I finish writing the program, the accomplishment lets me wonderful I think. It looks like that someone encourages me. I have motive power to continue my next step. Although I met difficult problem in this class, I was glad that I can solve it and increase my confident. No matter the grade is good or bad in this course; I think get knowledge and application are important and helpful for me.
About this course, I don’t have any suggestion. I think the teacher teaching style is good for me. Because I consider the teacher needs to teach every student step by step and understand basic example, the students would try to write the program.

Course Review: James 9513085

When start this semester, I think this course will be fun and useful. However, it just like I guess, interactive media is very fun. We can learn how to apply java and processing program. If we have learn this course before we do the senior project, we can use this program like processing or arduino to do our senior project, this way will be good for our project, because we just learn java and some webpage program, if we use the processing or arduino, the project will be more interest.
In this course, we learn processing, this project likes a java application program, and it can use java language and processing language to do an interactive program. Like make image moving, simple electronic drawing board, and finally, we design a self-program for processing, me and Ian design a simple “Happy Farm” project.
And then we have learn arduino, this program can use with broad and button to make voice or LED lights up and also to create a processing program to connect the arduino let program can use with broad and button to control the processing program, like we have design “Happy Farm” and we use 12 button on the broad to control the program to seed or gain and control 9 fields, and sell crops to get money.
Now, end of this semester, I think this course is very fun and useful, I hope this course should be include sophomore or junior schedule it will be better than when we are senior, but If this course can open for 2 semester that will be better.

Course Review

During the course of this class I realized the importance of a good managing of coding and hardware together. Arduino and processing are both powerful tools to create basically anything we imaging, from useful tools to funny games. But coding in processing requires a lot of patience. Processing is very easy to understand but sometimes the debugging is a little bit challenging. The good part of processing is that basically you just have to think of how the object should be looking and where it should be placed, you just set the parameters and is there ready to be used. I always have interesting in circuits and how they work. Arduino allow me to have feeling of how to create circuits and combined with my programming skills make them work. The homework I like the most was the piano. The combination of how to use the notes and set it into the buttons I think it was really useful to understand basically how the circuits work and how its power is managed. My comments for this course are very simple. I like it because is more practical than theory. I think is better when the student learned the theory while is learning also the practical at the same time.

Reflection of Interactive Media in IC

In Interactive Media Design this semester, we’ve worked with the processing tool for software as well as an arduino for hardware. The course enabled me to gain much insight about how software can be translated into hardware. The simple, yet powerful device has shown me the possibilities of the interaction between hardware and software through a series of tasks that we’ve practiced during our labs.
In the first week, we were assigned a seemingly simple task. We were told to simulate a geometric drawing, using only the processing software. I came across many difficulties trying to get the right coordinates and I felt restricted, since I’m used to designing and drawing with Adobe Photoshop. In this practice, I learned to use simple commands such as rect(); fill(); background(); etc, I was able to create the simple geometric image, which consists of thick lines, and colored rectangles. I have faced a number of challenges during this process of coding. For example, after I already created all the lines and parameters, I realized my image was too small, so I had to increase the size of the image, and recalculate all the dimensions of my lines. It was also a challenge to create the exact size for each and every rectangle apparent in my image file. The code above shows the process I used to create the above image.
As we progressed through this course, I’ve learnt to make my programs interact with the cursor. For example we first created a pattern of eyeballs on the screen. Then, we were told to make the pupils of the eye move along with the mouse, however the user defined the location. In this practice I’ve learned how a more interactive program can be beneficial for all users.
As we progressed through the semester, we many more interactive programs with processing, such as a paint/drawing application as well as a program to animate any given picture. For a kind of quiz, we were asked to create a fan, and we learned the rotating function and how it applies to the objects we draw. First we created lines to draw a grid for the squares. Then we drew three squares with different colors that are rotated evenly in the frame. Afterwards, we created an animation to simulate a fan motion. I got a little more creative with the process and made the fan increase it's velocity over time, and increased in size over time as well. Using the mode function, we I was able to make the rotating fan increase in velocity and size, and then after a condition - decrease in velocity and size as well.
For our final project, we were asked to do a task that I thought was impossible to do in the given time constraint – to create a game. At first I had many ideas in my head which I discussed with my partner, Josue. Then we scratched out all those ideas realizing how hard it actually was to create. Finally, we settled on creating an interactive synthesizer, or piano keyboard where the user could press any key on the keyboard which would output a specific tone.
In the last days of our course, we combined the arduino to the processing program to create interaction between software and hardware. For example, hovering a mouse over the processing program would execute the light connected to the arduino board to turn on. For our final project, we created a game controller out of the arduino board using only dials – one dial would control the movement of left and right, while another dial would control the movement of up and down. Using this code, we could apply the controlling mechanism for any program that allowed a movement interaction.
The Interactive Media Design course has been a breath of fresh air for me, since we were actually able to gain practical knowledge through our labs, instead of lectures after lectures that I have to sit through for every other class in Ming Chuan. This has been one of my favorite classes in the three years that I’ve been studying in Ming Chuan, and I hope other classes may adapt to becoming more “interactive” as well.

Course Review

This course is one of the best and inspiring courses I have had in my college life. It includes both design and implementation (program coding); the contents of this course are lively which made me active to learn more through out the whole semester.

The things I learned in this course include:
1. Understanding processing and the similarities with the programming languages I have already learned before such as C++ and Java.
2. Exploring the idea of drawing objects and graphics in an easy way.
3. Understanding the circuits and electronic boards by using Arduino.
4. Understanding the connectivity between Processing and Arduino which can be used to make interesting real-world applications.

I have enjoyed most of the class works and assignments of both Processing and Arduino. My favorite homework is the painting board which we made using Processing, I was very amazed how Processing can manipulate the reaction of the mouse movements, controlling the colors and provide the developer with the ability to make a painting board similar to the one which most of Windows-based PCs have (Microsoft Paint).

My comment to this course is that I wish this course can be more consistent in the process. The beginning of the course was faster compare to the end. We learned more about processing than Arduino. We didn’t have enough chance to learn about the connectivity between the both.
Overall, this course is worth taking and I highly recommend it to all my juniors and I will try to learn more about Processing in the future.

Semester Log

This interactive media class went beyond my expectations, because it gave me a chance to practice programming concept that I have learnt before. During this semester I have learned how to use processing and how to program the Arduino board. As someone who wants to pursue further studies with embedded systems this was good training.

During the first part of the semester I gained a working knowledge of processing. I learnt how to use processing to design a wide range of programs; from moving objects to a drum set. I also learn how to use the arduino compiler to write processes that controlled the arduino board.

My favorite assignment was my midterm assignment. This was my favorite because it was the most challenging. The goal of my assignment was to design a drum set that takes input from the keyboard. This project required an object oriented programming approach. I had no prior experiences developing object oriented programs, so I had do a lot of research on my own. At the end I believe that I have grasped the fundamental concepts of object oriented programming.


Everyone who takes this class have some kind of programming experience. So I think it will be a good idea for future classes to start working with the arduino board a lot earlier than we did.

Course review

I like this course because there are many interesting programs that I never touched before. At beginning, teacher showed us his creation is like a scanner
If somebody enter its area and then it’s speaker will make different sounds depends on how distance you close to. That was a very impressive memory I got the first , I was shocked by it. Really!!

Next to the courses , I learned process program before midterm-exam.
Like a short program that can show the repetitions graphs for continuo time and you can control the speed and the colors. In fact, I am not good at the programming, every time as if I got troubles , I must ask my classmates otherwise I can’t successful done the compiles . Later on , I learned some skills on controlling, for example, I can use mouse 、the keyboard 、and from arduino buttons, and also I finally knew that the exactly coordinates on computer. My partner and I did a program base on process language and combine with bread board, we got many difficulties in the final project . We learned by ourselves, like reading from books and asked for classmates, we knew how important dependent learning and knew that how to make a good team, I think it’s more important class in this class because we learned not only on class but we can use our experience for our life, did we?

Course Review

Things Learned
As its name suggested, Interactive Media course is an interactivity-directed course where we learn how to make some animations, interact with some physical devices such as a Board, or even combine both.
First of all the Interactive Media course gave us an understanding about these two software Processing and Arduino.

Processing which is an open source programming language helped us program images, animation, and interactions. For instance, we learned how to deal with Images and text as well as make motions.
One thing that is important to notice is the fact that Processing programming language is based on Java language; so it was not too difficult to cope with it since we already had some experience with that language.

Arduino on the other hand, was quite more interesting since it included Hardware and Software. For instance we could write codes and at the same time make some designs on an Arduino Board. The most exciting part of Arduino is the fact that you can first program on the board and then upload it on the Software.

Favorite Homework
- Processing: My favorite homework (Homework 8 – Processing Test). I this homework we were asked to design a fan. I really quite impressed because we can only use translate() and rotate() function to design a very nice looking FAN.
- Arduino: My favorite homework was Arduino LED show.

Overall I have a great appreciation of this course because it was practical, useful and fun at the same time. However I wish we could learn even more!

Course review

I really learn a lot of things from this course. It was my first time to touched Processing & Arduino. Every week I expect to come to class. Because I know I will learn the new function from the class.

First we learn how to make program and the IC board work together. Then we try the simple code from the PDF file. After we understand the code then we can create our own design. Last part of processing, I worked with my teammate who made the final project of processing. First time we didn’t finish our code because we got stuck form it. But we solve the problem. Second we start to do the Arduino, It’s more fun than processing.
My favorite homework was doing the piano. It really amazing, we just need to write the code of sound then put the bottom on IC board. It is work. Then you can play the song by bottom. I think teacher did the good job. You use the good way to teach us.I think this course we have to learn by ourselves. If we have question we can ask teach or discuss with classmates. I will miss this class after I gradated.

Course Review

Interactive Media is a course that involves Processing and Arduino, in this course we started learning how to program in Processing, following we learnt how to program the Arduino board from the IDE of Arduino, and then finally, we combine Processing and Arduino, either to send serial data from the hardware to the computer, send data from the computer to the Arduino board or both.

First we start from the very basics on the Processing software, we learnt about the environment, how to use void setup() and void draw(), then we continue programming homework to get to understand more and more of how this software works; we kept on practicing, until we were able to create a project at the middle of the semester.
My favorite homework was indeed the Processing project, I made the IM Synthesizer, and I am happy to say that my project was the number one. With this project I learn many things about Processing; I imported soundchiper library to retrieve the midi sounds, I learn how to create the effect that the user is clicking a button, how to manage arrays and several mouse events according to the key that the user is supposed to play.
Last but not least, I think that programming the Arduino board is very interesting, plus is a very fun piece of hardware; I have learn several useful techniques that will help me in the future.

In conclusion, at this point I believe that this is one of the most interesting courses that I have taken here in Ming Chuan University, because we can actually program a piece of hardware and combine it with Processing software. I will encourage the sophomore students to get the most of this course next year, and I will say Thank You Professor for this semester.

Class Ending

What I learned in this class:
I learned many things in this class, and I do not regret taking the credit even though it was not in my curriculum. For the first semester, I learned about the amazing history of processing, about how it was designed to teach non-computing majors about computing. The concept was very easy to grasp, and compared to Java, which the language is built upon and also compatible, it’s a nice as well as very simple platform to work with. For the most part, I learned how to manipulate images and other artwork using code. This gave me a great sense of control, and a sense of how the Obama campaign used processing in its voting application, its virtual platform 2.0. I think I will be ready to apply what I learned in this course to future projects. As for arduino, it’s really a simple CPU that gives the convenience of programming just through a USB hub without anything additional. In addition to software design, it also introduced circuitry, which was a nice benefit.

My favorite homework for this class:
My favorite homework for this class was undoubtedly the last one, were we integrated arduino and processing together. Regrettably, I did not have enough time to complete it, but if I have time in the future, I see myself buying an arduino and working on some projects of my own.

My only comment is that I am sad we did not get to keep the Arduino boards.

Course Review

Interactive Media Course is of the best courses I've took for this semester. This course is very important as it applies some of the techniques to work with processing and arduino that are useful to learn.

I have learned a lot from this course. During this course, I have learned the processing programming and also the arduino. Moreover, I have gained the knowledge of how to interactive both processing and arduino together. The processing part involves the technique on how to work with pictures, texts, the use of mouse and many other useful applications. The arduino part engages in working with the board such creating a Led Traffic Lights and a piano show.

However, my favorite homework in this course is the Image Animating Application. I really enjoy this homework because the image can be displayed as fade in and fade out; move horizontally and vertically; can be zoomed in and out. In addition, each effect can be controlled by the button so this is more fun than ever.

Finally, this course is said to be the best for me during this semester. I think Interactive Media Course should be taught for two semesters rather than one. This will give students more ideas about processing and arduino. Anyway, I've learned a lot on how to work with processing and arduino. On the other hand, the teacher is really nice as he interacts with students more often.

Course review

This course, Interactive Media which is a very interesting class in this semester. It’s included Processing and Arduino. Processing is a really funny program, because it’s combined programming and picture together, which I never took this king of class before. All of my class are talking about program and some special concepts, which is kind of boring. But not in this class. We will see pictures after we design the code. It’s more interesting for me. In Arduino, it’s combined with Arduino program, Arduino board and Processing. Like me and my partner’s project is a Russian Roulette, after we design the code in processing and in Arduino, we use several wires and buttons to build the board and connected with the Processing and Arduino, so we can control the Russian Roulette by the Arduino board. This is really exciting because I used to use the board to let the LED light bright, but not controlling the program in the computer. The teacher is also very kind, he always give us problems to do which means we have more opportunity to practice and to learn more things in this course.Anyway this is the great class which I really enjoy it.

Course review

Interactive Media, this course is a very interesting course for me. We use the "Processing” and write the processing code. The processing is a very interesting program, we can control the shape or a picture change or let it become different type we need, the course really have variety. We star the processing the code from the easy one, we use the processing code to create a shape or line on the processing, than we star to make the shape or the line star to make some change on it, we can set the Processing code, and to using the mouse or the keyboard to control it. In the homework, we make a little painter by processing, I think it is the great homework that I done in this course, it is really a great one, I love it. After the exam, we star to used the arduino to connect with the Processing code that we have done before. The arduino is more interesting than Processing, it use the arduino code to connect with the exterior media. We connect the LED light bulb and the speaker, we use the button to control the LED light bulb and we make a little piano buy using the speaker and the button, and we also have to do the electric wire dispose. In our final project we combiny our first homework project with arduino and processing code, we design the button to control the game star and stop, it is not so diffcult for us, but it is a new challenge. The course is very good, professor will assign the homework in each class, I think it is really a good way to check what we learn in the class, I thing I really learn from this course. and I thing we will use these skill in the future.

Course review

I am glad to be here to learn the processing and arduino program in this semester. I was not familiar with this new subject that I never learned before. I thought it should be very difficult to me, but it not that hard as long as I have to take lots of efforts to understand the whole things.

I think I learned a lot from this class. Like how to write a program to make a picture more active and vivid just like making a Flash player animation. I am kind of impressed by the performance of the processing program. It is really useful to deal with those pictures to make them have various effects.

Especially, I prefer the project task most. I feel somehow amazing about the arduino mechanism, because it can connect with processing program to achieve the desired performance. I face a lot of difficulties to initiate our project at the beginning, but fortunately our teacher helps me a lot. I am deeply appreciated his kindness and patience. I am pleased with the way of teacher's instruction. The pdf file also provides sufficient information that involved in the practices. It indeed helps me a lot during the exercise.

I consider that exercise is much more helpful than having a test for better learning about this course. I can learn much more from that. Although I only take this course for one semester, at least I have an overview about processing and arduino program.

Course review

At beginning, I think it is a little difficult because it is like C language which we learn before but it just the same with concept the format is difficult. Therefore, I have to review processing handbook and my note before start the class. Now, I can write simple program without those note. In this class I learn how to produce simple electronic drawing board, change the size of picture, how to write text in our project, how to use random, and how to use “mousePressd” and “mouseBottom”. And I think “mousePressed” and “mouseBottom” is really useful.

My favorite homework is to produce a small game. Although it is really difficult for us, I think I learn more from it. We really spend so much time to study the processing handbook because we have to find which function we need to use for our project. But at first part we still cannot achieve our goal which is if our mouse pressed at picture and the score will increase. Therefore, we decided to ask teacher how to do and thanks for teacher’s help, I know how to do now and done the work of the first part. The second part is to link to arduino, but during those weeks practice, I already know how to use it to link with our process. So the second part is not so difficult to achieve. We feel happy and satisfied when we done this project. Therefore this is my favorite homework.

My common of this class is that I think sometimes teacher will teach too quickly so that I cannot really understand. If teacher can teach a little slow and it will become perfect.

Arduino Project

Led show

Project: Mario 95130253 & 95160056

We can control the Mario move left or right to catch the mushrooms. Those mushroom shows randomly. There are two counters; one is to count our score, another is to count how many mushroom we missed.

HW12 Piano 95130253

This is the new thing for us. It attracts me to choose this course in the begining of this semester. We use arduino and bread board to make a piano!!! That is interesting to work with the bread board. It works with a LED to check; a speaker, some resistances, many wires and buttons, also the arduino. Let play a song now : )

HW7 Mamie 95130253

We make a rolling fan this week. It is really hard to understand the rotate, I spend a lot of time to think about it. After I read the PDF and get classmates help, I solve this problem finally. It is really important to use the rotate(i*PI/180). Also the frameRate to control the rolling speedy is important; or I feel dizzy when pay attention to my rolling fan.


HW6 Mamie 95130253

In this week, we try to let the picture move with our orders. When we click the button, it will move horizontal, or vertical. I prefer to use the fade in or fade out button. Those makes the picture become interesting and let us decide what it would be. It is really good.


homework 5-1

is about placing the cards and change each half as you wish. the function next and previous seems really useful for this kind of project.


the most difficult part in create this paint was to set the painting area and dont messed up with the preset view.

Final arduino and processing project

Homework 6

in this homework i choose 5 types of movements; horizontal, vertical, fade in, fade out and special(this one makes the picture come from outside to inside).

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Final Project (Johnny)

PIANO (Johnny)

Final arduino and processingproject(Dennis and Jim)

This is our final project. Although the teacher teached us many ways to work this software and hardware before we did this project. But I think it is difficult to get important knowledge and skill if I don't do it by myself. No matter the result of this project is good or bad, the important thing is that we learn one nice class in this semester. Otherwise, the teacher teached also important. We didn't know how to start our first step if the teacher didn't teach.




project soccer

HW 7 Fan

HW 6 play basketball


Piano show :Vivian and Peggy

HW7--95160111--(Cases Studies)

In this week,I learned about translate function.
We can manage to positionable the squares in that order.
That is how to change the X and Y coordinate of an object.
Than it a math question that calculate
the "PI" in the X and Y coordinate:


In addition,I understand to make some motions using "FrameRate".
But the program is interesting to do.

HW6--95160111--(Image Animating Application)

In this exercise, the picture will move
horizontally or vertically and
it can fade in or fade out.

It is difficult to control this part,
for example is that the picture horizontal:

if(mode ==0 && 150+i<550)


if(mode ==1 && 150+i>0)

Besides, Ian told me can use a variable int mode = 0;
to operate and that it automatically. This program that
me thinking of how I could control the effects that I chose.

Davin: Homework 7-Windmill

In this project, concentration is much needed. We need to know the coordinates of each points and how far we should rotate them. It's really fun to know that processing can do so many things.

Davin: Homework 6-Image Animation

In this project, I have four buttons laid on the screen, from left to right:
- Vertical movement button, pressing this will make the picture move from left to right.
- Horizontal movement button, pressing this will make the picture move from up to down.
- Zoom button, pressing this will make the picture pulsing, zooming in and out.
- Fade button, pressing this will make the picture blinking, fading in and out.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Davin: Homework 4 - Text & Image

Here, I modify the simple painter by adding Eraser and Save button, where you could respectively erase and save your image.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Homework 5 - Image Browser

This homework was quite interesting because it is useful.
We were supposed to design an Image Browser that is used to displayed images according to the user's choices. All the images are stored in a folder and are given specific names.
At first, I did not really know how to make this assignment, but after discussing with my teammate, I was able to make it.


This is our Project Show which is the combination of Arduino and Processing.
This project is called RainDrop where the player has to catch the rain drop falling at a given speed.
First the game was only designed using Processing. Later on we add Arduino board where users can press buttons in order to catch the rain drops.
Very entertaining and lots of fun!!

Piano [Arduino]

This project called Piano Show is about simulating a Piano using the Arduino board.
Users can press different buttons corresponding to the piano buttons and make different sounds.
It iwas quite a great feeling to see how a Piano can be simulated using a simple board such as Arduino.
I hope to learn more in the days to come.

LED Traffic Lights

This project is about LED Traffic Light. In this project we had to design stuff like scroller and binary counter. We also made some slow and fast blink.
This project was intersting because it is kind of traffic light simulation, which is close to reality.