Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Interactive Media Project Show

This is the final project show done by Zongo and myself (McBush). It is about catching the drops and earn points. The program is done in the processing and use the board for the arduino to control the buttons which can be moved left and right respectively. The buttons can control the catcher to catch the drops and gain points. There is also a time to show users how much time they spent while playing this game.

The project is pretty simple and is more fun to play with it. 'Catching the Drops'

Homework 12: Arduino Piano Show

The Arduino Piano Show is about pressing the buttons in the button and sing a song. This show is really enjoyable because it is like playing a real keyboard. It gives a feeling of playing a song and play the keyboard. I really like this homework because it gives me more idea of how to create a simple keyboard.

Homework 11_02 Led Traffic Light

This homework is about creating different colors of the Led Traffic Lights. Different colors will blink at different time. It is more fun to work with this project because it is like simulating the real traffic lights. I enjoyed a lot during the show of the Led Traffic Lights.




Combine two pic, set 4 button to chose front or next,



Use processing make a painter, smiple color & different size . still have some bug inside, make a program is ez but fix the bug is more harder.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Homework 12: Arduino Piano Show

I worked with my teammate who made this project.

I feel this is simple one!!!Not really difficut.

Homework 10: Processing Project →MARIO

Homework 7: Some Cases Studies

In this project,first we have to draw the line then creat three squares.
And then need to let the sqare rotated.When i do this, i have to care about the
degree,like 45 or90 degree.But sometime i can not control it then need to solve the problem.

Homework 6: Image Animating Application

I really enjoy doing this homework.We can change the picture
by the program.Using the fadin,fadout,zoom..... But I face some problem
when i doing this homework.Like,the picture can not show up on the
screen that i set up.So i alway need to modify .

HW5:Image Browsing Application

This is really interested homework.When i doing this i know
how to build the file browser and choose the picture randomly.
And some of classmates made the dofferent size of frame,so when i
run the program some od picture it doesn't match!!But when the picture match then u can see the funny picture!

Homework 12: Arduino Piano Show James, ian

Arduino Piano Show accomplished by James, ian

Homework 11: Arduino LED Show James,ian

Arduino LED Show accomplished by James, ian

HW7: 95130385 James

In this hw, i learn how to use the function like translate() and rotate().
it hrad to use , because those two functions will change the location about what u create , like line , image ..etc, so u should to think and text the crrect location you want, and the rotate() , u should caculate the PI and angle.

Project: Happy Fram 95130385, 95160740

HW6-1:95130385 James

In this hw, i learn how to use the buttons to make the image move fade in, fadeout, horizontal movement, or vertical movement, light up , light down , be small or be more bigger, but i didnt let the image move by itself, but i think it more hrad to do, but i think it not be free to move the image, so i do so many function to make the image moving.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Davin & Konrad - Arduino Piano

In this Arduino project, we are trying to recreate a simple piano on an Arduino board. Eight buttons are being put together to resemble the piano keys from C up to C'. This project was really fun to work on.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

HW12 piano arduino project(Dennis and Jim)

This project is very interesting. We can make one simple piano using arduino. On the other hand, we also know how to build circuit on the breadboard. This project is very meaningful we learn.

HW12 Arduino Piano Show by Brian and Silkie

For this project our task was to design basically a keyboard which consist of 8 buttons. This assignment was quite interesting and it was fun to compose the song/tones . Most importantly we learnt how to use the button functions, and how you can have multiple buttons on the breadboard connected to the Arduino board, with each button having a different function.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Homework 12

Allen Houng, Casroy Cain

This is our speaker and buttons. This time it was pretty interesting because of using a circuit buttons for input and speaker as output. We learned about building a circuit with arduino and protecting the board from too much current by utilizing a resistor.

HW Week 14_4


HW12- Arduino Piano Show

HW12_4: Arduino Piano Show

LED Show

HW12_4: Arduino Piano Show

Arduino Piano Show

HW arduino Piano show

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Homework 7: Some Cases Studies

in this homework, the concept of transform() function and rotate() function is a little bit difficult to understand but after reading the pdf file on page 139 140. it seems not so difficult as before. there is one more thing that is really important. rotate(120*PI/180); is a statement in order to rotate the picture regularly.
That's what i learnt this week.

Homework 6: Image Animating Application

This homework is really fun. In this exercise, the picture will move horizontally or vertically. it can fade in or fade out. The last function i don't know how to call it so I put the words - special. Click that the picture will change from big to small.
In this exercise i declare a veriable int mode = 0; so the all function can operate automatically.
That's what i learnd in this week.

Homework 12

Sunday, December 6, 2009

LED Show

Here is the LED show project where I first use a two led scroller and then a slow blink, fast blink, a one LED scroller, and then a binary counter.