Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Homework 7


This is the result of my homework number 2. In this homework I learn to simulate repetition. In doing it I learned about setup(), draw(), and noLoop() functions.
Below is the link to my code.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Homework 7

This is an interesting exercise which i really enjoyed.
The problem that I encounter was how to use the angle and the PI
since its really hard to undestand.
What i used for the PI at first is PI/1.5 which gave me the correct image but then i had to
changed it so that it would be more easier to understand.

Homework 7: Some Cases Studies

Brian Houng 96470026
Java Applet Link: http://ss24.mcu.edu.tw/~s6470026/Homework7/

In this processing code, we learned the rotating function and how it applies to the objects we draw. First we created lines to draw a grid for the squares. Then we drew three squares with different colors that are rotated evenly in the frame. Afterwards, we created an animation to simulate a fan motion. I got a little more creative with the process and made the fan increase it's velocity over time, and increased in size over time as well. Using the mode function, we I was able to make the rotating fan increase in velocity and size, and then after a condition - decrease in velocity and size as well.


Image Animating Application

We learned this week to make some image movement such as fade in, fadeout, horizontal movement, or vertical movement.
The image make a special movement according to the user's mouse action.
This homework was quite interesting, though a bit difficult for the first time.

Circles and Squares! (hw07)

Allen Houng 95371596

This one was fun because we had to learn how to convert everything to a Cartesian coordinate system where we learned how to manipulate images with it. We also manipulated circles in an array based on the mouse cursor, which was a new concept that I definitely want to learn more about.

HW 7

Today we learned how to draw three squares and rotate them into an angle whichwould later allow these three rectangles to rotate like a fan. The trick about this was setting the background and knowing where to insert the draw and setup functions

Picture Effects! (hw06_1)

Allen Houng 95371596
This homework utilized image manipulation techniques to create screensaver-like effects to bounce, maximize, minimize, fadein and fadeout the picture of the very very sad dog. It was a challenge place the canvas and the buttons together so that they would not interfere with each other.


Homework 7 - McBush, 95132013

This homework is about coordinate system translation. It's very interesting to use the translation and the rotate functions to move or spin the object like a fan. In addition, in this homework I have learned how to use the pie (PI) along with the rotate function. However, I found have some difficulties such as making the shape looks great and also when the objects spin were not that flexible but later I add smooth and change the background and everything was working well.

Homework7: Cases Studies

HW07-1: Coordinate system translation
This week, I learned about translate function. That is how to change the X and Y coordinate of an object. It was quite interesting though I took time to understand the idea behind it.
In addition, I learned about radius angle with processing;
Finally, I learned to make some motions using FrameRate and changing the values of the angle degree.
Please try it HERE

Here is link:


In this excesise I actuallty had a lot of fun, because after I finished the homework I started to change some stuff in the code and finally I got the result from the link.

In this homework I learn how to rotate and translate a figure to different places in the screen, and also I have learn about how to use the radiands to change the angle in the rotation; and with a the void draw() I was able to make it move clock wise.


In this homework, I learned how to translate the coordinates and use some mathematics skills in processing to draw some shapes, and then by using our previous knowledge in animation, we could make it move just like a fan.
a sample can be found in the URL below:

The Pi estimation was a bit challenging to me and also the translate() function confused me in the beginning by putting it in the void setup() instead of void draw() so it can translate the coordinates every time the draw function is called.






In this case I learn that translate() is use to change the center. And use rotate() to let rectangle rotate. PI is equal to math symbol "Ï€". Therefore, If I want to let rectangle change degree, I have to use rotate() to let rectangle change place. If I want to let those three rectantle rotate all the time, I have to write the original code in the draw() function because the code have to run every time. And I have to use "easing" to let the value of this variable changes how quickly the circle will reach the target.

HW7-Some Cases Studies

HW07-1: Coordinate system translation

In this exercise, I got a picture about how to use translate() and rotate() functions. It's quite useful to perform translation of the shape to the desired position. When I was working on this practice, I drew three rectangles with diverse colors and rotating angles by applying rotate(angle) syntax. Then, the most important thing that I need to notice is the effects of rotation are cumulative. I also found that while I using rotate() after a translate() will generate a different effect than the reverse. After I finished the work, I have earned more experience about transforming shape to any position.

HW07-2: Easing Motion

To continue the previous exercise, this time I just need to rotate those three rectangles by introducing a variable "easing". Then, I made the rotate(angle) function multiplied by a "easing" value which will increase every time by means of adding "easing++" command. So that these rectangles can start to rotate. After this assignment is done, I also use frameRate() syntax to control the rate of rotation. In the beginning, I was thinking that it must be a tough task, but after the easing variable comes out, everything go along in the right direction.

hw 7

by diving PI into 2 in the first square and then by 1.5 in the following squares, we can manage to positionate the squares in that order. the functions translate and rotate are used in the movement and placement of the object


10/27 HW-1


Homework 6

Here is the link:

This was a very challenging homework, because while I was coding it, I encounter various problems, however, with the things I have learn in the class, and other knowledge from former programming I was able to overcome the problems and finish the homework.
In this exercise I choose 7 different effects or animations:
1: Zoom in
2: Zoom out
3: Vertical movement
4: Horizontal movement
5: Fade in
6: Fade out
7: Bounce
and each one of them are available in a menu in the upper right corner, then when you click on the number will execute the animation.

The biggest problem that I had is that I needed to keep pressing the mouse click to the effect to execute, but I declare another variable "op", that works as a flag, so when is true will execute the effect; another problem was the initialization of the variables so the effect can be perform more than once; and this was simpler to fix, just with an "if" statement to set the variables to their initial value.

HW: 6 Animation Effects


Java Applet:

In this exercise, we used our knowledge of manipulating images to create a program that would simulate animation. With that said, I picked five different effects to show what my program to do. My program can translate, zoom in, zoom out, fade in, and fade out my saved image. These effects could also be applied to any image that I direct in the program; as long as the image is saved in the same folder as the program. The challenging part of this program was thinking of how I could simulate the effects that I chose. Then, I had to think about how to write funtion's code in reverse order, so I could simulate both zoom in and zoom out, fade in and fade out functions.

In homework 6, I was fun while I study these functions. Also it is easier than other homeworks. Fade in and out functions are the most interesting part in homework 6. I hope next leacture is more interesting.

Homework 6 - McBush, 95132013

This homework seems to be more interesting because anybody can interect with the animating image effects more easily. The movement of the image makes lively. However, I encountered several problems such as moving the image from one end to another without a stop but later I fixed it and now the program is working well. I hope to practice more with this particular exercise before go on to our next homework exercise.


In Homework 5, we continued from what we did last. I think homework becomes more difficult. When I started this homework, I was confused, I couldn’t organize my own idea and PDF file. That’s why I can’t finish this homework on time. But after I finish this homework, I have to focus on PDF file.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Homework 6: Image Animating Application

I find this exercise interesting and tricky and the few problems that I came across are the continuously use of the same variable and so I had to declare a new variable. what I learned too is the use of type = -1 which made my work more easy. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2009



In this case I learn how to use code to do some change. And we also have to use some part we did before. Such as write word in a space and use “mousePressed” to control which effect we want. And the most important thing which I learn is that I have to establish an area which my picture will show and every effect can run at it, or my text will be covered by picture than the word will disappear.

Monday, October 19, 2009


In this assignment I use a picture as a sample then provide 5 effects to be applied on the picture simultaneously, the first two effects are related to moving (one horizontally and the other vertically), other two are for fading out and fading in the picture and the last one is increasing the size of the picture.

the link below shows a sample:

I challenged with the size settings, the movement area of the picture and also the fading coloring.

HW6-Image Animating Application



This practice is respecting the application of buttons which would generate specific effects by carrying out some syntaxes. In this case, we introduce a couple of variables to be declared in advance. Then, I placed the simple loop code in each if-else statement to execuate those effects which are including minimize, maximize, fadein, horizontal and vertical moving the picture. After those assignments are done, the picture can start to move by clicking on the buttons. This time, I think it's more complicated than before. Because there are many buttons need to be designed and how to figure out setting the exactly right code in there is a kind of tough task.

HW05-1 narsil



in this homework, i found it really hard for me to do.
the thing is its hard to choose the right corner points.
and moreover, i dont have processing software in my
laptop because when i was trying to install it, it said
that "couldn't find the main class. program will exit"
i dont know what the problem is. thats why it push me
to do it at school and it caused a lot of trouble to me



This homework was very interesting. I especially like the fact that i learn how to load pictures from my root folder to my program. I can think of many interesting exerciser I can do with this.

HW5 Image Browsing Application 95370701(Dennis)


This assigment is a little skill I think. The reason is that I need to install my picture to next or previous when I press the button. At the same time, I also compare two pictures together. But I can't cover to the other picture. It is really not easy one I feel. After I finish this homework, I think I learn one nice tip.

HW5 95130253

In this week, we have to finish image Browsing system.
In the beginning, I complete that the pictures can automatically match to be a new one from two sides. I need to add four buttons to control the pictures. It becomes easy to set the squares, and everthing to where I want. And then, I learn the codes to control the Pre and Next buttons from my classmates. After I check everything without bugs, I am done the homework. I feel taht the HW becomes more difficult, I hope I can learn it step by step and can follow the teacher speed.

HW5-1 95160756

We already did the right and left half-circle last course. Today, we mix different people's left and right pictures together. It is very funny. Even it not difficult, we still learn something that is know how to load the pictures in this course.
This is my homework 5.1, in this homework I learned how to simulate a browser application to display different image.
The key point in this application is the process of loading image into a window. I have learned about PImage data type and also loadImage function.
Below is the link to my application code:

hw5-1 Tommy


In this homework, we learned how to use processing to design a program to check pictures where you already safe in the file, and then you can combine two picture in the same place, it is really fun!
I start to feel this course is difficult than before, I think I need do the case more hard now!

Homework 5: Image Browsing Application

(a) image Browsing system
In this week, we have to finish image Browsing system.
In the beginning, I complete some part of this HW at home, but the program cannot work correctly at school computer! The problem is that when I push the pre or next button, it will not stop in one picture.
So i add this line : frameRate(15);
Then the program works correctly.
I also add some code to display the picture name at right lower corner. I suppose this will look better. the code is text function : text(j+"b.jpg",900,550);
So until now, I feel the HW becomes more challenging, and the program becomes complicated. I hope I can catch up in the future.


next previous next previous next previous next previousnext previous next previous next previous next previousnext previousnext previousnext previousnext previousnext previousnext previousnext previousnext previousnext previous...! @#%$@%

Homework 5 - McBush, 95132013


This homework is basically for us to create an image browsing system. It is very interesting to work with the images by clicking prev and next to see both the back and front images. The image can be displayed at randomly. However, I found one funny mistake which was I forgot to change the name of the image file. Later I correct my mistake and now the program is working great.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Picture Mixmatch (hw05_1)

Allen Houng 95371596
This assignment was interesting because it helped us build a file browser, enabling us to mix and match different pictures. I decided to use the ones from the pdf because the ones that the class made varied too much. I also thought it would be neat to implement. I hope we get to work with Arduino soon as well.


Monday, October 12, 2009

HW5-Image Applications



Continuing last week work, I start to work on the application to buttons by using processing program. It's not so tough to create buttons, the most complicated thing is to arrange the limitation of those buttons. To complete this work, if-else statement is available to use. Namely, I only have to think about the conditions of each "if" statement to deal with the buttons which we can change pictures every time by clicking it. After setting out all the if statements, then the work is done. Now, I can click buttons to change the loading pictures in order since I make both front and back pictures start from the first one. "If" statement is kind of useful to accomplish this task and it seems to be the utilization of C language. And it's out of my expectation that we can perform those drawing by using C language. But actually, it indeed make it!



I like this teaching style which is step by step, it can let me know how to do and understand the meaning of those code. In this case, I learn that it’s like C++, if we want establish a variable, we have to announce it at beginning. And we have to use “If-else” to limit some condition, or it will get error.

HW5-1:95130385 James


Homework 5_1

Here is the Hyperlink:

I am very happy with the results of this homework, because I overcome several bugs that I have at first, for example I understand more about the frameRate() so I fix my program.
I also kept on practicing my skills in using mouse actions like the buttons NEXT and PREV.
In my program I have for IF statements so I can decide when to change from to the next or previous image, I have global variables for the images.
In conclusion I learn more about the PImage object.



because of the server unavailability, I will be uploading this HW to another server soon.

Homework 5: Image Applications


Commentary: This exercise lets us use the integrated UI to control images displayed on the screen. When we click on previous, the application will decrease the incrementation by one allowing us to open the previous image. When we click on next, the application will increase the incrementation by one allowing us to open the next image. The challenge of this application was knowing where to put each code. Some of the codes belonged in the setup function; some codes belonged in the draw function; the rest of the codes belonged outside for global use. I also had problems trying to solve the right dimensions of the functions as well. To solve this problem, I used println to display where the mouse cursor dimensions were. Another problem I encountered was lag and slow application. To solve this problem, I used frameRate() command and set the value to 10. This allowed a smoother interaction between input and output feedback.



posted this one already last week, but dont know why didnt see it now. repost.

we have learned how to save from our program.

The eraser button i set it still have a color, but is same with the background.

and the clean, i didnt really clean anything, i just put a blank page on it to cover it.

Hw5-1 10/13


we use the pic from last week to make a picture viewer

dont know why, the most of picture have different size, so we have to fix the size first.
also some pic have different file name, so have to fix that too.

and instead of using text, i put a triangle in the button for the "next" sign.

HW3-- 95160111--Peggy

Drawing board


This class was the most interesting so far. Designing this drawing board was particularly interesting because I was able to create a tool that is used by many people all over the world in their daily lives. This experience have made me more interested in this class and in this type of programming.


We started modifying and adding some cool features into our small electronic board. As you can see the picture below shows that there are more colors now available with texts on the board

in the upper right part, users can also clean the screen to draw a new image or use eraser to correct their mistakes and after all saving their work when it's done.

I learned how to use x and y coordinates in a very tricky way and I found out that mousex and mousey functions are just amazing to work with.

The challenge I faced during this assignment was the clean screen and erasing functions, but in the end I was so amazed how easy to implement they really are!

HW4-1 95160756

This time I learn 2 more function.
It is very easy to understand.
However, I did not know how to solve this problem until now.
Save the picture to JPG files, It is also very uesful.
It is fun to let to half circle mix together.
I put my and another one half circle together, it is very funny.