Monday, January 4, 2010

Course Review

Course Review
Interactive media is very interesting course. Tell the truth, I didn’t learn JAVA program before. On the other hand, I also don’t like writing program. So it is true that this trouble is confused for me. But I think I can learn this class well because of the procedure of teaching. The teach teaches every step and practice again after the class every week. I use these structure and way again and again to practice my assignment, I Know how to use processing and arduino naturally.
I am so glad that I learn nice software this semester. I like every assignment using processing all assignment, for example, make a fan or circle and so on. Because I feel the result can display in front of me if I finish writing the program, the accomplishment lets me wonderful I think. It looks like that someone encourages me. I have motive power to continue my next step. Although I met difficult problem in this class, I was glad that I can solve it and increase my confident. No matter the grade is good or bad in this course; I think get knowledge and application are important and helpful for me.
About this course, I don’t have any suggestion. I think the teacher teaching style is good for me. Because I consider the teacher needs to teach every student step by step and understand basic example, the students would try to write the program.

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